Sunday, September 28, 2008

First Trip to the West End Post Hurrican Ike

Several friends have asked how our house fared

after Hurricane Ike. Here is the first view that

we saw after driving through a new passageway in back of our house. The circle that our house is on is completely covered in DEEP sand and is totally inaccessible.

I could not believe how many trucks [huge ones!] were moving sand from our yards to a huge pile on the beach side. In the course of our seven hours working there, they had moved all of the sand and made one "monster pile" at the end of our street.

I commend the men who really had a great attitude about moving sand around so that the crazy people who own these houses could get back in. After nearly 30 years of having a house on the West End, I have found few Galvestonians from the East End come out here except to work.

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