Sunday, August 16, 2009

A day in August

Nearly a year has passed since the storm and many parts of the island are back together again. Some are not. The structures stand like sentinels warning to learn from the past. As I type this, Allen has sprayed the front yard with water and is driving my SUV back and forth to pack down the sand so that vegetation can spread. It's a funny activity and the dogs bark like he is just arriving home with each pass. The neighborhood is back to some sort of new normalcy. People populate the beach and swimmers abound on the weekends. The view from the deck is priceless; like one that you'd see in Cancun or Corpus Christi. The ocean is delightfully warm to swim in and fresh shrimp and crab abound on town restaurant menus. For now, life is relaxing and time spent here is etched in our memories and filed under "the best of times". It's been that way for us for 30 years or so.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Baby steps toward somewhere that might be normal [or sort of]

We look pretty happy in the image shown. We're glad for lights, and we did get an electrician to run the power for the "grinder thing". Plumbers must have become some sort of elusive or endangered species. We have to have one to hook up the grinder and the water source. In the meantime, we are biding our time, paying the bills and hoping for the sun to continue to shine.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Aftermath extends into nowhere fast...

Ok! Now the lights are on but the toilets are not to be flushed. Actually, truth to be known, it will cost about $7000 to get a "grinder" bought and installed to do the job. Humiliating and exasperating. That's what I get for complaining about the lights! We've been by the house and washed floors clean of sheetrock dust as well as moving in some furniture. Our view is breath taking! Allen is working hard to get everything back to "sort of" normal. Hopefully in the next month or so, we'll hear a welcome sound of rushing water from taps and toilet!

The city has decided that we are obligated to pay the $60 monthly minimum for water, sewer and trash despite the fact that we have none of these services. Water is technically hooked up to the house but we can't turn it on. No grinder, no water. Just pay the money.

Outside...well, we have nice sand dunes in the front yard that are starting to cover the ABOVE ground water pipes. It's a matter of time before someone runs over them. There is a promise of green from the grasses sprouting on the yard. Our little circle is looking very nice but to the east and west of us, the homes stand like sentinels of the devastation of Ike.
It's a reminder of what we all face out here.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Would someone PLEASE turn on the lights??

No picture to show today. If I did, it would be of my neighbor, Jane's house as there is terminal confusion as to which light meter belongs at what address. I understand that for the past 30 years, our electric meter has not matched our address. It never has! Now getting this corrected to actually have the power turned on is another bloomin' matter! When we had our electrical work done a few years back, our electrician had to put up different house numbers on our facade to get the power turned back on. This time; not so easy. Centerpoint and Reliant really don't communicate to each other and thus, our finished, refurbished, repaired and beautified house is the only one on our street without power! Heck, they even sent me Jane's electric bill and she HAS power. So, someone remind me when I get to finally come back...Will someone turn the lights on PLEASE?