It's been a while since I have written. We've been busy getting our lives and our beach house back together. We are lucky, grateful and nearing completion of our repairs. This 30 year old house proved sturdy with only "cosmetic" repairs. Nothing structural to be dealt with. Speaking of grateful, I would have to add that our contractor, Luby has been easy to work with and made our lives better for knowing him. We decided to ditch having carpet in the house and did a considerable upgrade to more practical ceramic tile. We'll go down this weekend to see how it all turned out. Only a replacement door is on our list of "to do". It would seem that most of the off island world has forgotten about this storm and how Galveston is struggling to get back to some sort of normal day to day life. City government is angering many with their meager knowledge of what to do with it all. I think that many will leave.
Then, there is that nagging gambling issue. Some islanders think that this will make it all better. If one would visit Atlantic City and see the neighborhoods and the problems, maybe it would change one's mind. Gambling never decreased crime, promoted a strong family lifestyle or worked to a community's betterment. I've never heard anyone say that a casino made their neighborhood better or lives enriched. I have heard of gambling addictions and the problems that engulf cities that have the casinos from crime to zoning. It won't help Galveston. I can only hope that it stays away from here or at least from the beach! We have enough on our plates.